Astrological Services

Astrology Horoscope Analysis & Making If you want complete prediction of your horoscope related with your life’s important aspects like your lucky colour, lucky stone, lucky number, Shubh-Ashubh Yog, your favorite grah & many more then get answer on these points from N.K. Tiwari, who is showing the right path to many. He is also very well known for creating a thorough horoscope analysis even if the person do not possess the right time of birth.
Kundali Milan

Kundali, also known as Natal Chart or Janampatri plays a vital role in an individual’s life. Matching kundalis of prospective bride and groom helps to know how stars influence their marriage and what remedial measures need to be taken to ensure eternal marital bliss. Through Kundali Milan Mr. Tiwari suggests the best time for marriage as per one’s horoscope while specifyig the shubh muhurtas for the same.

Career Consultation

Are you facing obstacles in securing a job? Is Your career not going in the right direction? Is it getting stagnant? Are You having troubles in your job? Are you not even sure what’s the right career for You? If you are also puzzled with all these problems, you can resolve all your worries with the career predictions of NK Tiwari, who provides a detailed analysis to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of one’s career and offer remedies and solutions for the same.

Health Problems

Worried about your health and your family? Are Doshes in your horoscope causing you health troubles? Get a complete astrological interpretation of your horoscope by esteemed astrologer NK Tiwari. As per the age old vedic & modern remedial astrology, the client is provided with precise remedies & solutions for their chronic health issues.

Kundali Dosh Nivarana

Facing problems in finding the right match or obstacles in life due to kundali dosh? These problems can be rectified with the help of astrological guru N.K. Tiwari. He will highlight the good and the bad, offer remedies and solutions for each of these problems as he guides you in the right direction.

Child Birth Problem & Remedies

Is delay in child-birth causing strais in your married life as well as family life? Seek help in the form of astrological remedies by accomplished astrologer. Advising couples o child birth timing, fertility and related issues with analysis based predictions, He has been offering hope for several childless couples since years. His consultations on the subject have not only saved several marriages, but also give them the most precious gift of their lives.

Business Consultation

Know how your business and finance profile will shape up in the coming year. Get insights by Mr. N.K. Tiwari to learn how strong are your investments and how they will fare. He has been successfully giving profitable consultations to businessman and business houses since years. His scientific approach blended with his vast vedic knowledge forms the base of his Business Consultation Package. This package covers several specific question including the nature of business, business deal viability, laabh muhurta, loss aalysis reports and remedies along with suggestions for expansions & recoveries.

Legal Issues

If you are trapped in legal cases and want to overcome from complete judicial proceeding through power of astrology, consult with N.K. Tiwari, He can definitely help you with the perfect astrological remedies. No one has been desperate in life after consulting with him.

Gemstone Recommendations

Gemstone Therapy is a very important part of astrology. Wearing the perfect gemstone as per your birth chart can change your life. Mr. NK Tiwari suggests the best combination of gemstones with his unconventional and unique approach. These gemstones can help a person tremendously in every aspect of life.The remedies provided by him are simple and very practical. His calculations are quiet precise. He is so competent to deal with, his remedies and suggestions are like miracles and gives power to fight against tough situation.